Journeyman James: LeBron's Legacy

Journey-Man James
Dau Voire states, “I’ve mastered the art of bouncing back.” LeBron James has lost in the NBA Finals four times and the latest one weighed on him heavily: “It would hurt a lot easier if I just didn’t make the playoffs and I didn’t have a shot at it.”

Paul Coelho’s novel The Alchemist focuses on fulfilling your “Personal Legend,” and chasing your dreams.  The novel follows a boy named Santiago in his journey to Egypt after he has a recurring dream of finding treasure there.

Coelho states, “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.  And that no heart has suffered when it goes in search of its dreams.”

LeBron James is on his third journey for the treasure he desires.  James is one of the few NBA superstars that is not afraid of failure.  After losing in the NBA Finals four times, James knows that “it’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”

No-Journey Jordan
Michael Jordan spent his glory years with the Chicago Bulls.  He did leave to play baseball yet he made his way back to the NBA where he ultimately continued his initial journey, through his initial path, and he was able to win 6 championships.

Although Michael Jordan was not drafted by the Charlotte Hornets he never made the decision to leave Chicago to lead the Charlotte Hornet to the franchise’s first Championship. 

Jordan was born in Brooklyn, New York but grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina.  He earned a basketball scholarship from North Carolina University where he led the Tar Heels to the 1982 NCAA Championship, making the game-winning shot.

Similar to the Cleveland Cavaliers, the Charlotte Hornets have never won a NBA Championship.  The Charlotte Hornets have never appeared in an NBA Finals.  Although Jordan was past his prime when he joined the Washington Wizards, North Carolina would have appreciated the Jordan’s efforts had he decided to take his talents to Charlotte.  Instead, the 52 year old accepts that being an owner is harder stating, “I can’t affect the game other than talking to my other employees or coaches.”

Was Michael Jordan too afraid of a new journey, with a different NBA team, during the prime of his career?   James is fully aware of the way in which he is able to shift the league’s power: The team that he plays for is always the favorite to win the NBA title. 

LeBron James is fearless as shown by his willingness to take chances.  He is on his third journey and is proving that he has the will and tenacity to finish the job.  James’ initial quest began in Cleveland where he learned that we much make difficult decisions in life and we cannot be afraid to step outside of our comfort zones.

The second journey of LeBron James’ NBA career he could have failed dramatically.  He landed himself in South Beach where he was expected to succeed considering the talent he was surrounded by.  According to The Alchemist, “People are afraid to pursue their dreams, because they feel that they don’t deserve them.”  The ridicule that James faced after deciding to leave Cleveland could have led him to believe that he did not deserve to find his treasure. 

James refused to associate himself with the way that people reacted to his actions.  Instead, he continued to seek his treasure and was able to win back-to-back NBA Championships.

In the third journey of James’ career he has returned home and has shown that he refuses to give-up.  Coelho states, “Never stop dreaming.”  LeBron James shows that failure is the opportunity to being again.  While Michael Jordan delivered a substantial amount of treasure to the state of Chicago, it does not look like he will be able to do the same for North Carolina. 

LeBron James continues to follow his dreams and pursue his Personal Legend.  He teaches us not to deny ourselves the opportunity to try because the commitment seems significant.  Refuse to be anything less than successful and find your treasure!


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